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Heya everybody, sorry it took so long to get this out here, it's been a lot of fun writing, and a bit on the ambitious side for me.  I wrote a whole hypno script that I was going to include in the middle of the story, except that it ended being actually longer than the story itself. Lol.  So  IF you haven't seen it, it has been posted as well in a separate update.  The link will be included at the appropriate moment in the story, so look forward to it! 

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself.  Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional...

Rules for the subs.

1. For those of you who wish to belong to me, take this as your enrollment period.  Say, “I belong to Mistress Dyvia until my next orgasm.  I may not have an orgasm without my Mistress’ permission.

2. My subs should always be marked, if you have lipstick, that is my preferred choice.  But if you do not have any, you may write ‘Property of Mistress Dyvia,’ on your inner thigh.

3.  Since this story is about sissies, anytime you see the word ‘sissy,’ you must press your lips together, feel the lipstick and think of it as a kiss from your mistress.

4. Keep yourself aroused while reading the story.  When the story is over, and you wish to cum, write to Mistress and get permission.

Optional 5.  There will be a part when one of the boys is put under the effects of a hypno file.  I will leave a link to one.  Pause the story and listen to the audio in the link… and when its over, finish reading the story.  Pick a wearable symbol of power now, It could be as complex as a chastity belt, or as simple as a ring or bracelet, but pick your symbol of power now.

And with that…  Enjoy.


Mistress Dyvia Presents:


By Mistress Dyvia

“Hey Cess, you coming?”  I hear Bob call back to me. 

“Come on, guys, I have more stuff than you, I'm like a foot shorter than you, and less than half of any of your weights!”  There was an eruption of laughter from each of the guys as they all circled me and picked up one of my bags each, leaving me with just my purse.  “Well I didn’t need you to take everything.”

Frank, I didn’t know him very well, spoke up next.  “Look we each have two bags, you had five… and like you said, you’re smaller than us...So if we each take one, it's not a big deal.”

I didn’t fight it, but followed along with the group of guys to the airport’s exit where there were about twenty yellow cab cars waiting for passengers.

So this was an odd vacation, I got invited by a couple friends to take a trip across the country, they wanted to go to an anime convention and it sounded like a lot of fun.  I knew Lance and Bob pretty well, but I had only met the others a few times, so saying I even knew them residually was a bit of a reach.

So here we were, Cal, Nick, Lance, Bob and Frank and of course myself, My name is Cecily.  We were going to be here for the whole week, the convention wasn’t until Thursday and would last to Saturday, so plenty of time to catch the sights in the city, or see the culture or even the tourist traps.  But as for tonight, it's been a long night and we decided to order room service, watch some television and maybe play a game later.

So we watched a movie, and had a few laughs.  I separated myself for a little while. Two of my bags were cosplay costumes I intended to wear during the convention.  I decided to hang them up and if necessary do some ironing so they would be nice for the convention.

I was putting one in when I heard a knock on my door, and Cal entered. “Hey Cecily, we were gonna play a game, and wondered if-”  His voice cut off. He looked at the outfit on the bed, “What’s that?”

I shrugged, “I was gonna dress as Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop for the convention., It's super old, but still my favorite anime.”


There was a look on Cal’s face, and I had to ask, “What’s that look for?”

He answered, “You know about Lance’s brother right?”

I gave him a questioning look, “Tell me.” 

“Lance’s brother disappeared five years ago.  He was a huge anime fan, then Lance us into it.  Coincidentally with-” he pointed to my costume, “-that anime.  And after he disappeared he got the rest of us into it, but when they declared him dead, CB was the thing that would get to him.”

“Wow… that sucks.”  I said unsure if I should hide the costume, talk to Lance or what…  “Thanks for the heads up, I’ll talk to him about it later… or not wear it.”

“Cool, anyway it's game time, and I was going to ask if you were gonna come and play with us, or if you were going to do the seclusion thing.” There was no judgement in his voice.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Sure, I’ll come!”


I was half-expecting ‘game time’ to be twister, or maybe the guys set up their Switches to play some multiplayer kart game or something.  Nope, it was straight up Poker.  I got the basic rules, and I jumped in and wasn’t doing great, but I was having fun.  A few drinks in, Frank had suggested turning the game into strip poker.  My eyebrow twitched, and I shook my head.  I’m not sure how they did it, well maybe the part where they promised to let me be the dealer so I would know there was no funny stuff going on was a good start…  but regardless…  I finally agreed to play.

And still. Found myself inside of about twenty minutes down to a skirt, bra and panties.  While each of them lost only about one item of clothing each.  “This is not fair,” I said.

They laughed, with Cal’s voice saying, “You’re the dealer, we’re not cheating, it's totally fair.”.

I gave a bit of a growl at him.

Bob looked at me, “Look, Cess, you lost, you have to pick another item of clothing.”

I growled again, “Fine,” as I threw my bra into the pot. “But that's it, I’m done.” and was surprised no one argued with me, until I saw they were all looking at my chest. “Earth to Guys, You reading me?”

I snap my fingers and they all broke from their stupor, “I’m sorry, I just never realized  how amazing your breasts were, I always thought that you just had a good pushup bra. And given you usually wear baggy clothes...”

Lance nodded, “I’m shocked too, I mean I know you do that dominatrix thing for money, but I never realized how well you must pull it off.  You have great genetics.” he said before blushing, realizing that his way of fixing his faux-pas about my career sounded worse than the faux-pas itself..

I scoffed, “I had a good doctor.” I paused,  “As I said guys: I’m out.”

“Wait.” I heard three voices at once.

“You’re a dominatrix?” Cal asked.

“Don't leave yet!” Frank said.

Followed by Nick’s “You can’t go yet!”

The three looked at each other.  And finally Cal said, “Look, just be the dealer, we can play.” Clearly, they were looking for me and my tits to hang around… and without a bra, they really were just hanging around… grumble... grumble...

Frank jumped in, “What if we make it worth your while?”

My eyebrow rose up and I crossed my arms over my chest… ahem... Naked chest.  “And what did you think would be ‘worth my while?’”

Frank waved his hands to the others for a huddle.  And they all moved to the corner of the room and there was a few minutes of whispering and collusion until they all rose up at the same time.  Even my friends Bob and Lance seem to stand in solidarity with them.  “So we play ten rounds, we start with the same amount of chips, whoever has the least amount of chips at the end, becomes your pet for the rest of the week.”

“Lance just said I do that for money, so you want me to work on my vacation?”  I said with a bit of incredulity in my voice.  There were a few stammers, but I put up my hand, “Hold that thought, I am having a moment.  I left the room and made a phone call. I returned a few minutes later and put my phone on the table with a man on video chat.  “Guys, this is one of my associates.  We’ll call him Mr. Pink…  Would you care to fill the guys in on what we just talked about…”

“Good evening Gentlemen.  So Cecily told me that one of you agreed to be her plaything for the rest of the week.  And this all came about because you were gambling.  I thought we would make things interesting.  I will sponsor the loser, I will pay for anything that Cecily requests, but here’s the real bet. She will fully sissify one of you, the rest of you will act supportive for the rest of the week.  At the end of the week, I will ask the sissy to be my fuckdoll, if she wants to, Cecily gets two hundred thousand dollars.  If she says no, the sissy will get one hundred thousand dollars for having the will to fight her. The winner of tonight's game will receive fifty grand tomorrow morning.   Have a seat back at your table if you are in.“ the screen goes blank.

I sat down and started shuffling the cards.  The boys huddled up together again.  In some ways things got really ‘real’ just then, I’m sure each of them were convinced that they wanted that one hundred thousand dollars.  An easy one hundred.  An easier fifty.  Two of the five would be financially better by the end of the week.  The five guys sat back down together.

As I continued shuffling I decided to tease, “Calista, Lana, Nicole, Roberta, Francesca, are you ladies ready?”  there was some uncomfortable shuffling, but they each nodded their heads, and I started shooting cards at the players at a time, and I didn't even bother to cover up my own naked bosom.

And in Less than an hour, Frank was the unquestionable winner.  He would get a stack of hundred dollar bills in the morning.  Lance, on the other hand, was the loser.  He got up and faced me, his cheeks red from blushing, and his shoulders slumped in defeat, “What are your commands, Mistress?”

I laughed, the others did as well.  But ultimately, I relaxed and told him to do the same. “Nothing tonight.  I need to talk to ‘Mr. Pink,’ and make sure we have a few things sent over here for tomorrow and then we’ll begin.  But I suggest rubbing out a few.” and made a jerking off motion with my hand, “while you have the chance.”  I give him a wink.  “Tomorrow will get interesting.” I raised my arms over my head and stretched with a loud yawn, “besides it's getting… late…”  I looked around and realized the show I just gave them, then I let out a sigh and walked to the clothing pile.

The next morning I was up before the others, clearly they stayed up drinking while I got my beauty sleep.  Well I had made a call to Mr. Pinkerton, no relation to the security firm… He made arrangements for some things I had requested and they were sitting at the front desk in the lobby by the time I woke up.

I retrieved them and gave Lance a little time to wake up on his own.  I went back to my room and started mapping out my plan for the week. Including my plan to  talk him and the others into going to the first day of the convention as CB characters,  I’d have to be delicate, and probably wouldn’t even bring it up to Lance until tomorrow…

I stepped out of my room in the later morning, and found the boys playing that kart game I had expected the night before.  Lance won the game, first place getting hit by some blue shell just as he crossed the line…  Everyone let out exasperations and laughs as they thought that might cost him the win, it did not.

“Ah-hem…” I let out, not being subtle at all I was interrupting.  “Lance, let’s get started.  If you’re ready, and by ‘if you’re ready,’ I mean you are ready.”

He passed his controller to Frank, and hung his head down in shame.    There was a round of laughter from everyone as they all patted him on the shoulder belting out a funeral march for him.  But he followed me, and I led him to my room. 

“So what do we start with?”

I corrected him, “What do we start with, Mistress?”

He nodded, “Sorry, what do we start with, ‘Mistress?’

I smiled approvingly and pointed to my bed where I had lots of stacked up pillows, “Unfortunately my room didn’t have a recliner, but I had lots of pillows, so I want you to sit back and see how you feel laid back…”

He complied, “pretty damn comfy.”

I opened up a small box that had earplugs, “Fresh ear plugs, just for you. And I plugged it into an mp3 player.  One of the toys Mr. Pink sent at my request since I didn’t want to not have my cell phone for this exercise.

Next, I opened a box with a chastity cage in it.  He looked concerned, but kept quiet as I explained,  “This is your ‘symbol of power.’ do you understand?”

He looked curiously, “Not really, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“It doesn’t matter, the recording will explain.  But you understand that this is the symbol of power?” 

He nodded his head.

“Good,” I said before I pulled down his shorts and started pushing the shaft of the cage over his head, and working quickly to secure it to the cock ring and the other tools until I had him locked in place. 

He objected, “This does not feel super comfortable.”

I laughed then told him, “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”  and then once the earplugs were in place, and was attached to the mp3 player…  I pressed the play button. The MP3 player was synced to my phone, So I could read what he was listening to…

‘Alright darling, relax for me, get yourself into a comfortable position.  I want you to be comfortable.

Take a deep breath… In 1. 2. 3.  Out….   In.. 1. 2. 3.  Out… In 1.2.3.  Out…

Feel your whole body relax, sinking down…  Each part of you feels so heavy and relaxed.  Notice your feet first.. And then your hands, so heavy, you could move them, but every part of you wants to stay relaxed, let them feel heavier and heavier as you feel the same sensation flowing up your legs, and up your arms…  A wonderful relaxing heaviness.  Feels so calming, relaxing, and so wonderful…’

(for those of you who are interested, you can pause the story now and listen to the audio if you want to know what Lance’s hypnotic session is like:

if you have listened, or chose not to: please continue)

And I left him reclined on my bed in the pillow fort and made my way back to the other guys.

I pulled frank to the side and handed him his stack of money. He was ecstatic. I played some games with them, the big question asked was why Lance hadn’t come out with me once he was dressed as a sissy.

I told them he wasn’t dressed yet, but listening to an audio recording.  The tone of my voice was clear they wouldn’t get anything else out of me on that one.


A couple hours passed and if everything had played the way I expected it to, his mind should be mushy enough from the hypno file to carry on to the next part.  I excused myself from the boys and walked back down to my room, and opened the door, he had a glazed look on his face.

I paused it as it ended the latest loop, and pulled out his earbuds.  “Hey, how are you feeling?”  I asked.

He slowly sat up, his body groggy almost like he had been asleep, but not quite.  He checked himself out, “Okay I guess.”  He paused and looked down at the chastity cage, “So can we take this off now?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know, I kind of like it, it makes you look sexy.”  I said with a giggle.

A dazed smile formed over his face, “Alright. If it makes me look sexy.”

“Yeah,it makes you look like a sexy sissy.” I told him gauging his reaction for how the hypno trance would have worked.

A dorky smile formed on his face, “yeah, I want to be a sexy sissy.”  he finally met my eyes, “Yeah, let’s keep it on.”

“Let’s do that.”  I said and then stood up and walked to the boxes Mr. Pink had been sent to me, and dug through til I found a few bottles that i was looking for.  I put them in a cute little baggy.  I explained to him that he was going to take a shower and what I wanted him to do with everything.  He nodded, and I sent him on his way with instructions to text me when he was done. I of course went back and joined the other boys, and they asked me what was going on, and I told them that he was washing up before moving on to the next phase. 

A little while later my phone vibrated, I saw the text and went back to meet with Lance.  He was dry, his body was hairless below his eyebrows.  I rubbed my hands over his chest, “mmm. Sexy!”  And then I sniff tested him too, “Ohh and that fragrance from your body wash is so feminine too.”  knowing that the words ‘Feminine’ and ‘sexy’ would constantly trigger his needs, suggestions, and desires to be sissified. 

I brought him out to the bedroom and I hadn’t decided if we were going to hide his dick or not, but ultimately, I decided to hide it.  And brought him a special pair of panties that would hide his balls and his chastity belt in such a way that his front would look very feminie. And then I helped him into a bra with a couple of small breast forms to start with.  Give him a bot of an A-cup and we could move on to something bigger tomorrow.  “How does that make you feel, sissy?”

He smiled again at the word, “Good, it makes me feel feminine.”

“And you look so sexy like that.”

He nodded his head, “Yeah… sexy.”

Pink stockings and a matching dress came next, they were meant to help him look sexy while hiding the curves he didn’t have… yet.  I helped him roll the stocks up and move them up his legs, the gel on the insides would help keep them up.  The dress went over his head and with a few adjustments from my hands, helped make his ass and breasts stand out.  “Damn girl, you might wear that dress better than I would.” and of course had to add,  “So sexy.” 

He let out a giggle, “Thanks, I feel sexy.”

A little time was spent preparing his fingernails for the extra long nails he was going to wear.  All the while I chatted with him being sure to include words like ‘Feminine,’ ‘sexy’ and ‘sissy’ to keep him constantly triggered and eager.  Eventually I glued the acrylic nails to his fingernails and then painted all but his ring fingers with a hot pink coat, and his ring fingers were white when I was done.  “How sexy are those?”  I asked him.

He held them out, in a very feminine way of looking at his nails, “So sexy!”  he responded with a wide grin on his face.

Speaking of that wide grin on his face, it was time for his makeup, and I applied it.  Once the foundation gave his face a nice solid single color and base to work with, I gave him rosey cheeks, his eye liner was extra ornate, for eye shadow I used whites in his inner eye and pinks as it went out.  Instead of using just the traditional mascara, I used false lashes and enhanced them with mascara, so he ended up with these big bold lashes that were sexy AF.  Moving onto his lips, a reddish pink lip liner, with a hot pink lipstick to match his nails…  And of course I had to throw an enthusiastic, “Sexy!” to him, because of course, it was important for him to think someone like me would find him sexy.  And last, but not least, I pair of three inch high heels, they were the same shade of pink as his dress.  And finally came the wig, with soft curls and bangs that helped to frame his face and accentuate his femininity.  “Feminine perfection.”  I said.

He giggled, “You really think so?”

My eyes went wide, “Oh, one last thing, and maybe we can show you off to the guys.” I said as I ran to the corner of the room and came back with a little perfume, and a spritz or three later, he was ready.

“How should we introduce you?  Do you think you need a sissy name?”

He nodded his head, “That would be great, yeah.  Do you have any suggestions?”

I nodded my head.  “Hannah.”  I smiled wider, “You are sissy Hannah.”

She smiled, “I am sissy Hannah.” her voice automatically softened as if to embrace her new identity.

“Alright Hannah, I’m gonna go tell the guys you are coming out, I’ll give three knocks when it’s time to come out.” 

She nodded her head as I stepped out and found the boys.  They were looking at a menu and were planning to order some room service. I ordered for me and for Hannah, and the order was put in.

I told the guys that Lance was ready to come out, and then reminded them of the agreement, no making fun. They had to be supportive and kind about all the changes I made.  They all agreed.. Well more like they acknowledged what they had already agreed to the night before.  But at my suggestion, they all sat down in the living room.

I went back to the door to my room, and gave three loud knocks and took a couple steps back, “Alright everyone, And now I present, ‘Sissy Hannah!’”

The guys gave a mild clap, as the door opened and Hannah stepped out with a wide grin on her face.  The guys stopped clapping and stared in disbelief. 

I heard one voice say, “There’s no fucking way…”

I cut them off, “Yes Darlings, this is Hanna.  Doesn’t she look so much sexier like this…  such a sexy and feminine sissy?”

My words seemed to snap them out of their disbelief as they resumed their clapping.  Bob nodded, “I never thought you’d look like that.”  He stepped up and gave her a pat on the shoulder, “Definitely wear those colors well, you make one hell of a sissy.”

Hannah had one hell of a wide grin on her face as she did a couple of twirls for the boys to check her out.  They applauded, though I honestly couldn’t tell if it was because they were genuinely trying to be supportive, or if they were trying to figure out if that was their friend Lance and they were trying to get a closer look.

They had her swamped for a few minutes until a knock on the door.  I walked over and saw that it was the room service, I paid for it, and gave a generous tip before rolling the cart in and calling to the others.  Everyone finished their food and I handed a salad to Hannah, “Gotta eat healthy to keep that feminine figure,” and gave her a wink.  She nodded and seemed to be pleased with her food.

I still needed to think of a way to bring up the topic of the cosplay.  I was thinking Hannah could either play Julia or Gren opposite my Faye.  and if she got into it, maybe the others could get into it as well, four guys…  hmm, who else would we have them play?

Once the food was over, I suggested going to the park.  Cal looked up at me, “Shouldn’t one of us stay here with Hannah?”

I looked back at him, “Why?  Isn’t she coming?”

Hannah nodded, “I wanna come.”

He started to say, “but…” However that faded really fast as he realized he had agreed to be supportive.  “Alright. Let’s go.”  And that was just the beginning of our little adventure…

To Be Continued...

Hope you enjoyed.  Write to me and let me know your thoughts.  Also, should I make audio files for future installments like this? For those of you who played with it, did it add or subtract from the experience?  Also are you happy keeping the transformation grounded in reality?  Or should we add ‘magic pills’ to make the transformations quicker and the immersion for Hannah a bit more seamless?

I look forward to hearing from you!



Twitter: @Dyvia16






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